Organizational Values Scale: Development, Validity and Reliability Study
With globalization, the changes in societies have affected organizations and brought the “human” factor to the fore. Since educational institutions are human oriented organizations, values have become an indispensable element of schools. Therefore, it is thought that determining teachers’ perceptions of organizational values will be useful in related researches. The aim of this study is to develop a scale that allows teachers to measure their perceptions of organizational values. The study sample was composed of 49 items and 232 teachers working in secondary schools. After performing Explanatory Factor Analysis, 5 sub-scales and 43 items were obtained. The total variance of the scale was explained by 60.683 %. The total Alpha rate of the scale was found to be .946. The structure of the scale, revealed by Explanatory Factor Analysis, was confirmed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis. It can be said that the scale is a valid and reliable data collection tool.
Organizational Values Scale: Development, Validity and Reliability Study
With globalization, the changes in societies have affected organizations and brought the “human” factor to the fore. Since educational institutions are human oriented organizations, values have become an indispensable element of schools. Therefore, it is thought that determining teachers’ perceptions of organizational values will be useful in related researches. The aim of this study is to develop a scale that allows teachers to measure their perceptions of organizational values. The study sample was composed of 49 items and 232 teachers working in secondary schools. After performing Explanatory Factor Analysis, 5 sub-scales and 43 items was obtained. The total variance of the scale was explained by 60.683 %. The total Alpha rate of the scale was found to be .946. The structure of the scale, revealed by Explanatory Factor Analysis, was confirmed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis. It can be said that the scale is a valid and reliable data collection tool.
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