Influence of Ownership Structure on Corporate Social Responsibility among Non-financial Listed Firms in Nigeria
Influence of Ownership Structure on Corporate Social Responsibility among Non-financial Listed Firms in Nigeria
The impact of ownership structure on CSR disclosure in Nigeria was investigated in this study.
Seventy-seven (77) non-financial firms listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange make up the study's
population. Data from the annual reports and accounts of 77 non-financial companies listed on the
Nigerian Stock Exchange between 2017 and 2019 were used to achieve the study's goal. Multiple
regression analysis was used to examine the collected data. This research discovered that both
management besides foreign ownership had a durable advantageous influence going on CSR
disclosure, meaning that ownership structure dictates CSR disclosure practices among Nigeria's
listed non-financial enterprises to a large extent. According to the findings of this study, relevant
stakeholders in the Nigerian corporate environment should support increased foreign ownership in
the Nigerian corporate environment since their international market exposure will enable enterprises
to be more socially responsible. In addition, potential investors besides customers should make
societal info disclosure a priority when working with a company to encourage management to pay
more attention to CSR disclosure.
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