In The Eyes of Nigerian Students’ In Apg Shimla University, The Groundwork Of Self – Employment Created Among Nigerian Youth Is Entrepreneurship Education
In The Eyes of Nigerian Students’ In Apg Shimla University, The Groundwork Of Self – Employment Created Among Nigerian Youth Is Entrepreneurship Education
Nigeria is an African country. The country is economically strong by its manpower and resources.
Education is a base of Nigerian culture. But the country has huge unemployed youth. Population is
one of the factors. This study is not concernd with population of the country. Employment is a
backbone of Nigerian economy. Due to unemployment poverty was increased. Youth employment
is a challenging task for the Nigerian government. Federal Government of Nigeria introduced many
development programmes and policies to cut poverty and unemployment and tried to create
employment for youths. But due to corruption, low infrastructure, lack of specific tutor, inadequate
working capital, lack of professional training are the barriers of skill development. There are many
factors which reduce the scope of employment. Many death occurred due to unemployment. Covid
19 create huge impact on labour job market. Youth are worried about their future. Crime increases
day by day. In Entrepreneurship education subjects are developed in the way where appropriate
utilization of economic resources has mentioned. Youth get lots of knowledge and earn
technological skill to use the resources. Entrepreneurship education is improving skills and
knowledge of youth that develop their mind to start an entrepreneurial venture. The study investigate
the level of entrepreneurship education and the relationship between entrepreneurship educations
and creation of self-employment. The study randomly select 193 Nigerian students of APG Shimla
University. The self-structured questionnaire were developed to collect the responses. The items are
measured through five point Likert scale. The Cronbach’s alpha value is .808 and.709 respectively.
More than .7 alpha score indicate that the data is reliable. By the use of descriptive statistics and
spearman’s rank correlation test data is analyzed and interpreted. The study found that the
entrepreneurship education is positively related with self – employment create. Nigerian students
take entrepreneurship education as a subject to lift their career as a self-employed person. Those
students can start their own business. Because there is a positive correlation between
entrepreneurship education and Self – Employment Create.
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