The Unemployment rate in indonesia on 2016 is quite high ± 9 million of the population 250 million people, it is based on the data from one of a body of the survey in indonesia (Compass, 2016). Ironically that 37 % unemployment is on the young, which means is still in the average age of productive. Unemployment kaula young quite high especially from a graduate of a college, school vocational school and common. Data shows that in last five years the number of entrepreneur in indonesia increased but insignificant, where in 2011 the number of entrepreneur in indonesia reach 0.18 % then in 2013 rose to 0.24 % next on 2016 rose to 1.65 %, so that the number of entrepreneur in indonesia are still under 2 %. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the influence of simultaneously and partial between entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial social environment and the entrepreneurial ability to entrepreneurial intensity to be young entrepreneur on Kabupaten Minahasa Induk. Sample used in this research were 250 respondents scattered on 25 in in kabupaten minahasa the province of north sulawesi. A discovery that obtained is an    entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial social environment and the entrepreneurial ability have a positive impact and significant impact on entrepreneurial intensity on Kabupaten Minahasa Induk.


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