Royal Jelly and Its SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis Profiles

Royal Jelly and Its SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis Profiles

Royal jelly (RJ) is an important functional food, is used for many purposes. New methods are needed for the practical characterization of royal jelly. In this preliminary study, SDS-PAGE electrophoretic profiles of royal jelly proteins were investigated. Raw royal jelly samples were analyzed by classical SDS-PAGE electrophoresis using 5% and 10% gels. The major protein spot were obtained at the samples collected same regions. Compared the proteins with known marker proteins they were between 50 and 80 kDa. Classical SDS-PAGE electrophoresis alone is not sufficient to determine royal jelly proteins, but can be used to basic characterization of royal jelly. Furthers electrophoretic techniques are needed for a better separation.


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