Activity of the Special Operation Executive in Romania via Turkey, 1943 - 1944

Activity of the Special Operation Executive in Romania via Turkey, 1943 - 1944

The Anschluss of March 1938 marks the point at which Hitler’s designs for Europe became clearer to Britain and greater prominence was given to considerations about Romania. Between 1938-1941 Britain’s only weapon against German ambitions in countries which fell into Hitler’s orbit were military subversive operations — the destruction of the oilfields and the interdiction of supply routes by the Danube and the rail network — but SOE ((Special Operation Executive) failed. Between 1941 and 1944, the S.O.E. (Special Operation Executive) activity was centred on the revival of wireless contacts with Iuliu Maniu, head of the National Peasant Party, aimed at persuading through him Marshal Ion Antonescu to abandon the Axis and the provision of a channel of communication of armistice terms by the Allies (Autonomous Mission, December 1943). The S.O.E. has taken steps to create a reliable communication channel between S.O.E. residents in Istanbul and Bucharest. A network was made through Turkey legations or through emissaries sent to Istanbul, Ankara and Cairo, or by radio broadcast and by agents launched with parachute.


  • Selected Bibliography 1. Primary Sources Arhiva Ministerului Afacerilor Externe (Archive of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Bucharest) (AMAE) — fond 71Turcia/Turkey — fond Ankara/Telegrame — fond 71Germania/ Germany — fond Problema 77 /Personnel Files Arhivele Naționale Istorice Centrale (The Central Historical National Archives, Bucharest) (ANIC) — fond Președinția Consiliului de Miniștri (Presidency of the Council of Ministers)—Cabinetul Militar Ion Antonescu