The Effect of Modification with Epoxy and Polyester Resins on Some Mechanical Properties of Pine and Chestnut Woods
The Effect of Modification with Epoxy and Polyester Resins on Some Mechanical Properties of Pine and Chestnut Woods
In this study, the effects of epoxy and polyester resin applications on some mechanical strength properties of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and chestnut (castanea sativa) wood samples were investigated. Firstly, in the circular sawing machine, a different numbers of channels (2+1 and 3+2) were opened on the surfaces of wood samples. Then, these channels were filled with casting type epoxy and polyester resins. The density, modulus of repture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and compression strength parallel to the grain (CS) tests were performed on the samples. According to the results of the study, the density values of pine and chestnut samples increased by 25% and 42%, respectively, depending on the number of channels after resin application. In addition, compared with epoxy resin applied samples, the density increase was higher in the polyester resin applied samples. After application of resins, a slight increase was observed in the MOR and MOE values of chestnut samples. However, CS values tend to decrease in these samples. In pine samples with resin applied, the strength properties (MOR, MOE and CS) decreased depending on the increase in the number of channels. Furthermore, the effect of the resin type on all strength properties of the samples was statistically insignificant.
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