The Reaction to Fire of Some Chemicals Treated Pine Wood Product Surface
Wooden materials have been extensively used for furniture, outdoor and indoor cladding, buildings, terrace, fence, garden furniture and interior decoration and to decorate the roofline of houses. However, wood which is used outdoors or in areas exposed to moisture needs to be protected against wood-destroying organisms and to be shielded from water, marine pests, fungi, fire and weather conditions. Untreated wood materials have no resistance to the spread of fire and many buildings which constructed from wood based materials needs to fire resistance. It is possible that the wooden material ensures very durable and resistant against physical effects by surface applications such as wood preservative paint and acrylic resin-based varnish. The application of fire retardant chemicals can also provide to satisfy regulatory requirements for wood products. In this study, titanium dioxide and antimony trioxide were applied on pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) solid wood material to determine durability of reaction to fire using by oxygen index test technique (ASTM D 2863-6) and real fire test. These chemicals were added to the wood preservative paint which is a commercial product as concentrations of 2%, 5% and 10% for titanium dioxide and 2% and 5% for antimony trioxide. The effects on colour change of their surfaces, brightness and surface roughness measurements, water absorption and thickness swelling of this wood material were also carried out. The results obtained were analysed statistically and compared with the related standards. Addition of these chemicals to used wood preservative paint had a positive impact on the fire properties of the pine wooden surface.
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