Reflections on the direction of the theatre after the experience of the Corona Pandemic.

Reflections on the direction of the theatre after the experience of the Corona Pandemic.

Using the example of the puppet theater piece "The Spider and the Web" by Martin Joerdens and the opera " The New Time- Morning Dawn" by Heinrich Thein, reflections are made on whether and how theatre can align itself in the experience of the Corona Pandemic in order to contribute to a more spiritually ethical civilization. In the area of tension between western-influenced thinking, using the example of the philosopher Markus Gabriel, and eastern-influenced thinking, using a description of Paññâ wisdom, the two current plays will be presented and analyzed.


  • Gabriel, M. (2020)."Fiktionen" . Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.
  • Joerdens, M. (2020). "Die Spinne und das Netz". Bonn.
  • Schiller, F. (1784). "Die Schaubühne als moralische Anstalt". "Was kann eine gute stehende Schaubühne eigentlich bewirken?“. Mannheim.
  • Thein, H. (kein Datum). "Die Neue Zeit-Morgendämmerung“,. Oper, Bremen.
  • Thein, H. (August 2021). Reflections on the direction of the theatre after the experience of the Corona Pandemic. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, S. 113-125.
  • Turan, Ş. (2020). „Postdramatic review of the Einstein on the beach / train scene by Robert Wilson“. Journal for the Interdisciplinary. Art and Education, 1(1), 21-28.