Writing Motivation and The Ability in Writing a Research Proposal of Generation Z Students Based on Cognitive Style

This article presents a comprehensive analysis of writing motivation and the ability in writing a research proposal of Generation Z students based on differences in their cognitive styles. The research involved 70 Generation Z students in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji, Indonesia. After going through the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) stages, these students were divided into 2 groups based on their cognitive style, field independent (FI) and field dependent (FD). Writing motivation data was collected through a questionnaire and the writing ability of writing a research proposal was collected through an assessment rubric. Analysis of research data using t-test and linear regression with SPSS 23. The results of this study stated that the writing motivation of Generation Z students between the FI group and the FD group did not differ significantly. Meanwhile, the ability in writing research proposals for Generation Z students in the FI group was higher than for Generation Z students in the FD group. Writing motivation has a significant effect on the ability in writing research proposals in both groups. The results of this study recommend for analysis other perspectives and the exploration of thinking characteristics of Generation Z students in written language.


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