Environment-Friendly Education as A Solution to Against Global Warming: A Case Study at Sekolah Alam Lampung, Indonesia

The negative nature of human damages the earth by destroying nature and the environment, which ultimately causes global warming. One solution to the environmental problem of global warming is to educate students from an early age to have ecological awareness and not to destroy the earth. The purpose of this study is to find things that need to be developed in environmentally-friendly education as a solution to global warming. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted at Sekolah Alam Lampung, Indonesia. Sekolah Alam Lampung applies an environmentally-friendly perspective and loves to nature through activities namely do not burn trash, do not smoke, recycle the trash, compost and provide trash cans and green laboratories. Learning activities are carried out not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom by bringing students back to nature. The activity of the Sekolah Alam Lampung is an alternative solution to the environmental crisis regarding global warming which is now increasingly severe and contributes conceptually to overcome the global warming which has been a global issue


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