Student’s Polylingual Personality Formation in a Multiethnic Region

The aim of this study is to reveal conditions of a student’s multilingual personality formation. The research is very important for requirements of centuries-long multinational history, multilingual situation and cultural diversity. The research is significant at the cross-national level because it focuses on preparation of the young generation for active life in multiethnic and multicultural environment. This study also refers to a personality education with a complex of phsychophysiological features, communicative abilities and humanistic qualities that allow to communicate on several languages and to realize national and cultural requirements.The importance of the research at the national-regional level is determined by the location of Orenburg region. The region has always been an intersection of cultures, which creates problems of co-residence, but also contributes to the development of cooperation. The present study may be used for determination of polylingual and multicultural education aims, for revealing pedagogical conditions of a student’s polylingual personality formation in polyethnic region. It may also help to find out the methods and educational technologies that can be used in a student’s polylingual personality formation process. Modern tendencies of a polyethnic society are analyzed in this study. These tendencies are expressed in a migratory process increase, ethno-demographic transformation contributing to a more intensive intercultural and inter-ethnic cooperation, an ethnic self-determination.  As a result of theoretical justification of the problem the authors distinguish the components of a student’s multilingual personality in a polyethnic region: cognitive, emotive and behavioral. The practical part of the research describes methods and dynamics of every component of a student’s multilingual personality. 


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