Development of Android-Based Interactive Physics Mobile Learning Media (IPMLM) with Scaffolding Learning Approach to Improve HOTS of high school students in Indonesia

The objectives of this study are to: a) Produce an Android-based Interactive Physics Mobile Learning Media (IPMLM) that is eligible for improving Higher-order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of high school students; b) Determine the effectiveness of the use of Android-based interactive physics mobile learning media with a scaffolding learning approach in improving Higher-order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for high school students. The development procedure in this study was modified from the 4D development model (defining, designing, developing, disseminating). The research subjects were 1070 high school students in five regencies/cities, they are Sleman Regency, Bengkulu City, Pontianak City, Kupang City, and Bima City. In each city was chosen four schools for extensive trial and limited trial. The products developed were Interactive Physics Mobile Learning Media (IPMLM) applications, lesson plan, student worksheets, higher-order thinking skills test instruments in the form of reasonable multiple-choice questions, student questionnaire responses towards media and learning activities as well as validation sheets and product eligibility. The technique of analyzing the data of empirical test questions used item response theory analysis by looking at the compatibility of items with the model based on the INFIT MNSQ (infit mean square) value. Extensive test data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics were performed using the ANAVA mixed design test with a significance level of α = 0.05. The results show that a) Android-based interactive physics mobile learning media applications and learning devices are appropriate to be used to improve higher-order thinking skills; b) the use of android-based interactive physics mobile learning media (IPMLM) with an effective scaffolding learning approach in improving higher-order thinking skills. The effective contribution of the experimental group in increasing the ability of HOTS is 84.80%. The effective contribution of the control group that uses learning tools with the direct learning assisted by Physics textbooks in increasing HOTS ability is 55.50%.


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