hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radicals (OH). The cytotoxic species can cause oxidative damage in the cell. Aging can thus be viewed as a process of irreversible injuries associated with accumulation of these oxidative changes. Activity of antioxidant enzymes has been reported to either increase or decrease in the aging process. According to many studies there are some regulatory mechanisms in senescent tissues to provide an efficient antioxidant defence against free radicals, which may be generated at a higher rate during the aging process. Definitive proof that oxidised molecules are the primary cause of ageing is lacking. Aging is also likely to be a multifactorial process and not reducible to any one single cause. "> [PDF] Memelilerde ortalama yaşam süresi ve yaşlanma sürecinde serbest radikallerin rolü | [PDF] The role of free radicals in the aging process and average life span in mammals hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radicals (OH). The cytotoxic species can cause oxidative damage in the cell. Aging can thus be viewed as a process of irreversible injuries associated with accumulation of these oxidative changes. Activity of antioxidant enzymes has been reported to either increase or decrease in the aging process. According to many studies there are some regulatory mechanisms in senescent tissues to provide an efficient antioxidant defence against free radicals, which may be generated at a higher rate during the aging process. Definitive proof that oxidised molecules are the primary cause of ageing is lacking. Aging is also likely to be a multifactorial process and not reducible to any one single cause. ">

Memelilerde ortalama yaşam süresi ve yaşlanma sürecinde serbest radikallerin rolü

Serbest oksijen radikalleri yaşlılığın önemli nedensel ajanları olarak kabul edilmektedirler. Bu derlemede, antioksidan korunma ve yaşam süresi arasındaki ilişki, oksidatif hasardaki azalmanın yaşam süresine etkisi ve serbest radikal hasan ile yaşlanmada beslenmenin etkileri konuları irdelenmiştir. Serbest radikallerin ana kaynağı moleküler oksijendir. Moleküler oksijenin tek valanslı redüksiyonu (univalent redüksiyonu) süperoksit dismütaz anyonları (Ov) hidrojen peroksit (H2O2) ve hidroksil radikalleri (OH) gibi reaktif oksijen türlerini oluşturur. Sitotoksik türler hücrede oksidatif hasara neden olabilir. Nitekim yaşlılık bu oksidatif değişikliklerin birikimi ile ilgili geri dönüşümsüz hasarların bir işleyişi olarak düşünülebilir. Yaşlanma olayında antioksidan enzim aktivitelerinin arttığı ya da azaldığı belirtilmektedir. Birçok araştırmaya göre yaşlı dokularda yaşlanma sırasında yüksek oranlarda üretilebilen serbest radikallere karşı etkili bir antioksidan savunma sağlayan bazı düzenleyici mekanizmalar vardır. Yaşlılığın primer nedeninin okside moleküller olduğu hakkında kesin delil yoktur. Yaşlanma muhtemelen çok yönlü bir olaydır ve herhangi bir tek nedene indirgenemez.

The role of free radicals in the aging process and average life span in mammals

Free oxygen radicals have been proposed as important causative agents of aging. In this review, the relationship between antioxidant protection and life span, the effects of reduced oxidative damage on the life span and the effects of dietary manipulations on ageing and free radical damage were discussed. The main source of the free radicals is molecular oxygen. The univalent reduction of molecular oxygen results in reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide dismutase anions (O2")> hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radicals (OH). The cytotoxic species can cause oxidative damage in the cell. Aging can thus be viewed as a process of irreversible injuries associated with accumulation of these oxidative changes. Activity of antioxidant enzymes has been reported to either increase or decrease in the aging process. According to many studies there are some regulatory mechanisms in senescent tissues to provide an efficient antioxidant defence against free radicals, which may be generated at a higher rate during the aging process. Definitive proof that oxidised molecules are the primary cause of ageing is lacking. Aging is also likely to be a multifactorial process and not reducible to any one single cause.


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