Reconsidering the Fundamental Problems of Vocatinal Educatin and Training in Turkey and Proposed Solutins for Restructuring

Reconsidering the Fundamental Problems of Vocatinal Educatin and Training in Turkey and Proposed Solutins for Restructuring

This study addresses the problems related to vocatinal educatin and training (VET) in Turkey through theperspectie of global developments in VET and evaluates the steps that are taken in line with the solutins.From this perspectie, increasing the private sector’s role and share in VET, strengthening the general skills thatsupport long-term VET graduate employment and that renounce specifi specializatins, and restructuringthe capacity of VET to have a more realisti supply-and-demand relatinship are suggested. Additinally,the indirect effct of primary educatin has been demonstrated, and decreasing the diffrences in academicachievement in primary educatin level has been emphasized as being able to lead to an increase in thenumber of students in VET with higher levels of academic and general skills


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