Assessment of the Effect of Media on Nutritional Status, Anthropometric Measurements and Physical Activity in Adolescents Aged 12-18

This study was conducted to assess the effect of the media on nutritional status, anthropometric measurements, and physical activities of adolescents. The study sample was conducted on a total of 60 voluntary adolescents who were randomly selected between 12 and 18 years of age in Istanbul between January 2020 and February 2020. The analysis of the findings obtained from the research used SPSS models 17 and SPSS Statistics 22.0. The level of meaning of the analysis was determined as 95%. While the frequency of watching TV was high in boys, the frequency of following internet tools was found to be higher in girls. The analysis determined the habit of following the internet proportionally more frequently in the group above the 50th percentile (p = 0.014). A positive correlation was seen between TV, magazine, and newspaper and daily calorie intake. The daily energy average was significantly higher than those above percentile 50 in percentile 50 and below (p=0.021). When the frequency of food consumption was examined according to BMI, It was determined that the 50th percentile and below groups consumed more fast food type foods. Their intake of energy, macro, and micronutrients was also high. İn all of the participants, it was seen that media tools such as the internet and TV were used frequently as a result of the study. At the same time, more research needs to be done on this topic, in light of information supported by scientific studies, studies on nutrition in the media and management of time spent in the media and increased physical activity and improved adolescents' eating habits are thought to be improved.

Assessment of the Effect of Media on Nutritional Status, Anthropometric Measurements and Physical Activity in Adolescents Aged 12-18

This study was conducted to assess the effect of the media on nutritional status, anthropometric measurements, and physical activities of adolescents. The study sample was conducted on a total of 60 voluntary adolescents who were randomly selected between 12 and 18 years of age in Istanbul between January 2020 and February 2020. The analysis of the findings obtained from the research used SPSS models 17 and SPSS Statistics 22.0. The level of meaning of the analysis was determined as 95%. While the frequency of watching TV was high in boys, the frequency of following internet tools was found to be higher in girls. The analysis determined the habit of following the internet proportionally more frequently in the group above the 50th percentile (p = 0.014). A positive correlation was seen between TV, magazine, and newspaper and daily calorie intake. The daily energy average was significantly higher than those above percentile 50 in percentile 50 and below (p=0.021). When the frequency of food consumption was examined according to BMI, It was determined that the 50th percentile and below groups consumed more fast food type foods. Their intake of energy, macro, and micronutrients was also high. İn all of the participants, it was seen that media tools such as the internet and TV were used frequently as a result of the study. At the same time, more research needs to be done on this topic, in light of information supported by scientific studies, studies on nutrition in the media and management of time spent in the media and increased physical activity and improved adolescents' eating habits are thought to be improved.


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