N- ( Arilaminometil)-ftalimidler

arylaminomethyl)-phtalimides is a general reaction and it is useful for the identification of amines.The same substances may be obtained by the action of N-(hyd-roxymethyl) -phtalimide on amines.The N- (piper idinomethyl-, (*'-), N- (morpholinomethyl) - (3), N-(anilinomethyl)-, N-fphenylhydrazinomethyO-t1) and a series of N-(arylaminomethyl)-phtalimides (*) have been prepared by these methods.The preparation of p-phtalimidomethylaminobenzoic acid, p-phtalimidomethylaminoethylbenzoate, m-phtalimidomethylamino-p-hydroxy-methylbenzoate, p-phtalimidomethylamino-2-diethylamino-ethylbenzoate, p-phtalimidomethylaminophenylsulfonamidet 2-phtali-midomethylamino-4-phenylthiazole and N-phtalimidomethylsaccha-rin have been investigated.The compounds mentioned above were prepared according to the method described by Winstead and Heine(4). Thin-layer chro­matography, C, H, N and S microdetermination and UV spectropho­tometry methods were employed in order to identify and characterize the synthesized compounds
Anahtar Kelimeler:



