Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Conflict Resolution Tendency of Teachers Effective on School Management

Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Conflict Resolution Tendency of Teachers Effective on School Management

It is important to ensure and extend that education has modern, rational, scientific and democratic attributes at every level. An education programme has been developed in order to support personal, social and academic development of teachers and students in high schools. The programme had been carried out in Ümraniye and Gaziosmanpaşa istricts of Istanbul by the Ministry of Education during 2011-2012 education term. The programme consists of series of education, seminar, workshop, culture and art activities for supporting personal, social and academic development of teachers. This study reveals if the programme caused any change on teachers. The aim of the study is to measure the effectiveness of the programme that has been carried on the teachers of two different districts and to assess the social, emotional and intellectual changes in teachers caused by the programme. According to the results of the study, emotional intelligence of teachers increased from 47% to 56% in Ümraniye and from 50% to 54% in Gaziosmanpaşa and leadership skills increased from 53% to 57% in Ümraniye and from 53% to 54% in Gaziosmanpaşa.


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