Investigation of the Job Satisfaction of the Officers Working for Probation Services

The objective of this research is to investigate whether there is a relationship between the job satisfaction. 142 protection and enforcement officers (PEO) and 78 probation officers who are working for probation services in Ġstanbul, Ankara, Ġzmir, Antalya, Mersin, Balıkesir are the participants as volunteers in the study sample and the questionnaire was administered to them. It is the very first research analyzing job satisfaction of the probation officers and supervisory officers working for Turkish Probation Services. The scale used in the study is "Minnesota Job Satisfaction Inventory" which was developed by Weiss, Davis, England, Lofquist in 1967 in order to determine the level of job satisfaction of worker. It was translated into Turkish by Aslı Baycan in 1985. "The Inventory" has two forms: Long one consists of 100 questions and short one consists of 20. In research, "Personal Information Form" is the another data collection tool used to determine personal information of probation service officers. At the end of the research comparing the average scores of Minnesota General Job Satisfaction, Intrinsic Job Satisfaction and Extrinsic Job Satisfaction, it is figured out that there is significant distinctions between the sub-scales of job satisfaction in terms of position (being a protection and enforcement officer or a probation officer, educational levels, perception of adequate or inadequate according to the number of employees in the branches and the degree of the love of the work of staff.