Qairat QURMANBAYEV, Linguistic Principles of Usūl al-Fiqh Science in Works of Husām al-Dīn al-Siġnāqī, Munara Publications, 1st edition, Almaty 2018, 332 pg.,

Qairat QURMANBAYEV, Linguistic Principles of Usūl al-Fiqh Science in Works of Husām al-Dīn al-Siġnāqī, Munara Publications, 1st edition, Almaty 2018, 332 pg.,

The book is the first publication of “Islamic Studies” series which has been published by Munara Publ., in Almaty city, in 2018. The work has been discussed and licensed by academic board of Nur-Mubarak University on 12th December, 2017. It is doctorate dissertation of Dr. Qairat Qurmanbayev, the current pro-vice-chancellor1 of “Nur-Mubarak Egyptian University of Islamic Culture”, the leading Islamic university of Central Asia in Islamic sciences and theological studies.