The Critical Edition of H?shiyah 'al? Tafs?r S?rah al-Ihl?s li Ibn S?n? by Ab?Sa'?d Muhammad al-H?dim?

The Critical Edition of H?shiyah 'al? Tafs?r S?rah al-Ihl?s li Ibn S?n? by Ab?Sa'?d Muhammad al-H?dim?

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is one of the commentator of Surah Ihlas, a surah which deals with the questions of being, the unity/oneness of being and the quidity of God. Ibn Sina's commentary on Surah Ihlas is one of the primary philosophical exege- sis in which the divine commandments (nass) are interpreted through the rules of philosophy and logic/dialectic. ?is commentary presents the way in which the Qur'an can be understood by the philosophical and rational disciplines. It also presents the outcome of the transition of Islamic philosophy from theory to practice. Many commentaries have been written to understand the philosophical setup of Surah Ihlas. ?e most important one belongs to Abu Sa'id Muhammad al-Hadimi (m. 1701/h. 1762). Hadimi wrote his treatise in a holistic, evidential and scholarly way, without trying to prove a particular view. Likewise, consider- ing his work to be a philosophical study, Hadimi did not digress from the rules of philosophy and logic. In the light of these rules he reasonably put forward his views about those points on which he did not agree with Ibn Sina. ?is article pre- sents the critical edition of Hadimi's commentary on the interpretation of Surah Ihlas by Ibn Sina
