Mapping Out an Islamic Bioethics: An Intensive Workshop (1-3 August 2014)

Bioethics is a multidisciplinary field study that is concerned with the application of moral principles in the conduct and development of biomedical technologies and health policy. Due to rapid advances in science and technology, fundamental questions about human life and wide-ranging ethical issues have been raised in bioethical discussions on topics, such as euthanasia, abortion, human cloning, genetic, organ transplant, brain death, etc. Islamic bioethics, as a recently emerging field, inquiries into these issues from a multicultural and theological perspective. One of the main aims of Islamic bioethics is to collaborate with international medical and scientific organizations to evaluate developments in the field of bioethics, and to apply the principles of Islamic jurisprudence to support informed decision making in Muslim communities.


  • Fetvacı, Emine, Picturing History at the Ottoman Court, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013.