The Mesozoic Stratigraphy And Ammonite Fauna Of Ladik-Akdag (Samsun) Territory

This paper presents , it is aimed to reveal Mesozoic stratigraphy of Ladik-Akdag region in detail. In the study area, rocks formed in various facies which are different from each other are observed. On the basis of the region, Permo-Triassic aged limestones and Permian aged limestones, mostly in the block, are located in the north, although they have basal rocks in the ages of Permo-Triassic and autochthonous in the south. The cover rocks begin with Liassic aged clastics covering the base rocks and the Dogger aged rocks consisting of metamorphic and volcanic conglomerates and recrystallized limestones. Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous aged shallow marine and Tithonic facies-developed limestones are unconformably overlying Dogger rocks. In the study area, whereas the lower levels of the Upper Cretaceous are composed of sandstone-marly intercalated flysch and limestones, Maastrichtian consists of rocks in the volcano-flysch facies. Within the pelagic mudstones belonging to the unit, Pseudocyclammina liasica Hottinger, Triloculina sp., Involutina sp., Quinqueloculina sp., and Pentacirinus sp. Fossils have been also identified in addition to such ammonites as Phylloceras sp., Calliphylloceras sp. Ameltheus sp., Oxycerites sp., Juraphyllites sp. Taken the relationship of the rocks in the region to each other into consideration, the presence of a gradual transgression along the Mesozoic is remarkable. Tertiary consists of Quaternary aged terrestrial formations and alluviums.

The Mesozoic Stratigraphy And Ammonite Fauna Of Ladik-Akdag (Samsun) Territory

This paper presents , it is aimed to reveal Mesozoic stratigraphy of Ladik-Akdag region in detail. In the study area, rocks formed in various facies which are different from each other are observed. On the basis of the region, Permo-Triassic aged limestones and Permian aged limestones, mostly in the block, are located in the north, although they have basal rocks in the ages of Permo-Triassic and autochthonous in the south. The cover rocks begin with Liassic aged clastics covering the base rocks and the Dogger aged rocks consisting of metamorphic and volcanic conglomerates and recrystallized limestones. Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous aged shallow marine and Tithonic facies-developed limestones are unconformably overlying Dogger rocks. In the study area, whereas the lower levels of the Upper Cretaceous are composed of sandstone-marly intercalated flysch and limestones, Maastrichtian consists of rocks in the volcano-flysch facies. Within the pelagic mudstones belonging to the unit, Pseudocyclammina liasica Hottinger, Triloculina sp., Involutina sp., Quinqueloculina sp., and Pentacirinus sp. Fossils have been also identified in addition to such ammonites as Phylloceras sp., Calliphylloceras sp. Ameltheus sp., Oxycerites sp., Juraphyllites sp. Taken the relationship of the rocks in the region to each other into consideration, the presence of a gradual transgression along the Mesozoic is remarkable. Tertiary consists of Quaternary aged terrestrial formations and alluviums.


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