Sport & Good Practices of Integration for the Encounter among Cultures in the New Millennium

Sport and movement represent primary factors of training and personal expression, they fit into the category of values from which no one should be excluded. The physical and sport experience is essential in the formation of the person, understood in its entirety; becoming consciousness of embodiment is combined with the rules and principles that are the basis of the exchange processes and social inclusion and training the skills of active citizenship and democracy. In this sense, sport is a mediator for the growth of all people, creating aggregated situations, based on the principles of solidarity, hospitality and well-being. The present study, as theoretical character, will rethink a particular aggregating situation, that in Italy since post World War II has been a model of educating and civil living together: the oratory, conveying the idea of social sport for all. There is the need to rediscover the humanity that is in ourselves, through the enhancement of the relationship, beginning to live places (new and old "agora"), as contexts for meeting, for a social experience participatory and community that restores the sense the cold lands and turning them into places. Living in our cities and our territories we will improve the quality of life in terms of security and social welfare, as well as personal well-being.


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