İletişim Süreci Yönetimi ile E-Portfolyo Süreci Yönetiminin Karşılaştırılması

İletişim kavramının temeli, farklı amaçlarla iletişim kuran insanların varlığına dayanmaktadır. İletişim sürecine dahil olan birey, grup veya hedef kitle, kendisine gönderilen iletileri anlamlandırmaya çalışır. Teknolojik gelişmelerin de etkisiyle, hemen her alanda bilgi akışının yoğun olarak arttığı gözlemlenmektedir. Bu nedenle eğitim, özellikle de uzaktan eğitim, alanında hedef kitleyi oluşturan öğrenenler ile etkili iletişim kurabilmek gerekir. Çalışmada, iletişim ve eğitim kavramlarının süreç olma özellikleri ele alınmaktadır. İletişim ve eğitim süreçlerinin sağlıklı gelişimi ile devamlılığı, bu süreçlerin başarılı yönetilmesine bağlıdır. Bu doğrultuda, çalışmanın amacı, öğretmen adayları için uzaktan eğitim uygulaması olarak yararlanılan e-portfolyo kullanım süreci yönetimini analiz etmektir. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi’ne bağlı dört yıllık bir öğretmen yetiştirme programı olan İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı’nda, üçüncü ve dördüncü sınıfın güz döneminde “Topluma Hizmet” ve “Okul Deneyimi” uygulama dersleri bulunmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen veriler aracılığıyla, iletişim süreci yönetimi ile e-portfolyo süreci yönetimini karşılaştırarak, yapılan yönlendirmelerin değerlendirilmesi hedeflenmektedir.Anahtar Sözcükler: E-portfolyo, iletişim süreci yönetimi, e-portfolyo süreci yönetimi.

Comparison of Communication Process Management to the E-Portfolio Process Management

Concepts of communication are based on the presence of people communicating for different purposes. An individual, a group or a target audience are involved in the communication process who try to make sense of messages sent. In almost all areas, it is observed that information flow is significantly increasing with the impact of technological developments. Therefore, for education, especially in the field of distance education, it is essential to communicate with learners who constitute the target audience. In this study, the concepts of communication and education are considered as ongoing processes. Healthy and continuous development of the communicational and educational processes depends on successful management of them. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to analyze the management of use of e-portfolio process utilized for distance education teacher candidates. "Community Service" and "School Experience" are practical courses available in fall semester of the junior and senior year of the IOLP (English Language Teaching Degree Program) which is a four-year teacher training program of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. Through the data obtained with this study, by comparing the communication process management to the e-portfolio process management, evaluation of guidance is aimed. Generally communication is considered as a process. Communication process can be seen as organizing messages delivered to the recipients in order to create the desired effect of the source. The communication process consists of at least three key elements. The source or sender of communication, message and message density, recipients or target group. Communication comprises socializing, informing, educating and convincing processes, as well. Thus, communication process is a process which has complex and dynamic features. When the communication process management and e-portfolio process management are compared, both processes have similar features in terms of structural and implementation forms. E-portfolio management process can be considered as an effective communication process management system that uses distance learning and education, as well. In the e-portfolio management process benefited in distance education; they communicate with prospective teachers (students), practice teachers and practice instructors as well as they communicate with the "coordination unit" manages the site of application classes if necessary. The “e-portfolio” system is benefited in order to guide the application studies of prospective teachers and support them to get academic experience in ELT program. Foreign language education which is such an active and dynamic learning environment, is required to use the technological opportunities with the most effective manner.  Under this study, the participation to the e-portfolio process in the “school experience” course of the students in final years of "English Language Teaching Program" in the fall, registered as trainee teachers are analyzed. The research analyzes the current state using qualitative and quantitative data analysis. As a consequence, it has been observed that benefiting the similarities of the e-portfolio management process with communication process management increases the speed and quality of communication as well as it has a positive influence on the decision-making process. While analysing how the system works and is managed, suggestions can be developed to complete the deficiencies determined of the application. Keywords: E-portfolio, the communication process management, the e-portfolio process management.