Social media is one of the most important roles to establish new social communica-tion by modern information technology between friends, family, and people. Allah who has created all human being in the world; all thing of the world has been creat-ed for human’s welfare, His aim of creatures was that all human being will worship Him, one of the most worships is to help another anyway, for example, It will be helped by technology in the modern era. This study has the goal of promoting the role of social media in Muslim society. Also how it is used based on Islam and so-cial welfare. The study found that in the case of Da’wah, all prophets didn’t use the same tools and technique. Based on different environment and situation, they used different tools and techniques for Da’wah. In the era of modern science, when peo-ple are addicted to material goods, services and consumption, it is not so easy to make them return to an invisible world i.e. to Deein and Aakherat. That is way modern IT equipment can be a more effective tool for Islamic Da’wah. The social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Linkdln, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, WhatsApp, IMO, Telegram, etc. have become easily useable, smooth, quick connection, live broadcast, live call and cheaply in various facets of our life from anywhere in the world when traditional means old communication was slow but expensive. The research used a qualitative methodology. There was used as an instrument for data collection. Similarly, textbooks, Journals as well as internet sources were used for the research. Accounting to the discussion, social media has positive and negative effects in our Muslim society noticeably from Islamic Per-spective. The paper concludes that the exquisite use of social media of Muslim So-ciety in the world.


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