Introduction: The complexity of educational content, the increase in the number of students, the lack of academics and individual differences have led to the use of technology in education more frequently. Through the use of technology in education, a higher quality education has started to be provided and the working quality of the potential labor force group has also increased. Aim: The study aims to determine the attitudes of the students, studying in the field of health sciences, towards the use of technology in education and to determine and develop the most effective education method by the students. Method: The study, which was planned in descriptive research type, was carried out with 208 students studying and volunteering in Beykent University, School of Health Sciences between December and January 2019. The data were collected meticulously by determining the most appropriate time for each student with the questionnaire developed by the researchers upon reviewing the relevant literature. Before the questionnaire, the purpose of the study was explained to the students and they were asked to complete the questionnaire fully and carefully. By utilizing the IBM SPSS Statistics 22 program, data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Results: Of the students included in the study, 108 (51.9%) stated that they frequently used technology while they were studying, and 110 (52.9%) stated that they wanted the courses to be computer-aided, and 154 (74.0%) of the students think that the use of technology facilitates learning, and 156 (75.0%) think that the quality of education can be improved by using technology in education. 88.5% of the students think that the use of technology in education is helpful and 28.8% find it interesting. Depending on their department, according to the students' opinion about the use of technology, there was a statistically significant difference (p


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