Rainwater Storage Engineering based on Water-Sensitive Urban Design in Lapangan Pancasila, Semarang City

Rainwater Storage Engineering based on Water-Sensitive Urban Design in Lapangan Pancasila, Semarang City

Lapangan Pancasila is a public open space that located in Jln. Seroja Dalam III no. 9 Semarang City. Flooding is often occurs at Lapangan Pancasila in rainy season. Floods in Semarang City are caused by the occurrence of land subsidence and water catchment area decreases. Rainwater harvesting system with water sensitive urban design(WSUD) basic, is one of plenty solution that can be applied to reduces flooding at Lapangan Pancasila. The research was conducted using a descriptive methodology which refers to the spatial and ecological approach. A spatial approach is used to determine the physical condition of the site, while an ecological approach is used to determine the components required for engineering rainwater storage. Based on the calculations that have been carried out, the discharge from the calculation of the planned rainfall is 0.003886 m3/s. Rainwater collection engineering at Lapangan Pancasila was built as a complex system that combines various components of rainwater treatment such as rainwater catchment areas, macro water filtration tanks, sand filter tanks to filter mud and purify water, clean water reservoirs, sprinkle landscape irrigation systems, and infiltration wells.


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