Noise Evaluation In Terms Of Occupational Health And Safety On The Ring Spinning Machine

Noise Evaluation In Terms Of Occupational Health And Safety On The Ring Spinning Machine

People are in noisy environments in different environments of life Noise significantly affects human health and quality of life in many countries where industrialization is intense. The effects of noise on people are very diverse; It is accepted by all countries that it negatively affects human health in physiological and psychological aspects. It is important that noise causes employees to complain about their work, negatively affects their work performance and, accordingly, causes loss of workforce. Within the scope of this study, which aims to examine the noise exposure of people working in noisy environments, noise level measurements were made in the ring spinning machine section of the Suleyman Demirel University (SDU) Textile Engineering combed spinning mill. The noise values emitted by the ring spinning machine to the environment were measured.


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