The Effect of Child-Friendly Lift-the-Flap Story Books on the Creative Thinking Ability

Child-Friendly Lift-the-Flap Story Books is a textbook with instructional materials integrated into the story and the pictures. This study aims to determine the effect of child-friendly lift-the-flap story books "Kayanya Negeriku" to the students' creative thinking abilities fourth grade. Quasi-experimental research design types of nonequivalent comparison-group design. The research population is fourth-grade students at SDN Pleret Bantul. The cluster random sampling technique was used to determine pre-existing samples without random assignments, so that 28 students in fourth-grade of SDN Pungkuran were obtained as the experimental class and 28 students in fourth-grade of SDN Putrenas the control class. Data collection through pretest and posttest using creative thinking test instruments that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using paired samples t-test, gain test and N-gain test. The results showed that child-friendly lift-the-flap story books"Kayanya Negeriku" affects the creative thinking abilities of fourth grade elementary school students.


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