Acceptability of Students With Disabilities in Higher Education: Towards Inclusive Education at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia

This study aims to describe the acceptability component of people with disabilities in higher education. The type of study is field research with a qualitative approach. This research is a case study at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Data were taken by interview, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed using descriptive-analytic data analysis that is by describing, interpreting, and describing data collected systematically. The results showed that Universitas Ahmad Dahlan tried to accept people with disabilities even though the campus realized its services were still not optimal at some points. This can be seen from the policy of admission of new students, the competence of educators about special education, which is still minimal, infrastructure, support from various parties. Determinants of college admission to students with special needs who want to enroll in the school. Some of these components include campus disability-friendly policies, accessible facilities, and educators. With ethical acceptability, it creates a friendly and accessible higher education for persons with disabilities.


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