The Educational Inclusion in the Deficit of Attention of Elementary Students

Over time, society has undergone various changes and transformations, with the school being the space in which they have been most directly reflected. We go from positivist educational models to constructivist educational models, in order to respond to social needs. Currently, these changes are heading towards a model with new opportunities in learning, with the proposal of attending to social and school diversity, which is increasingly late. However, we stop to ask ourselves, is there educational inclusion?For this, a quantitative study was carried out in a Primary Education center in Madrid, the sample was made up of 100 students in the primary education stage, the objective that was intended to understand and know, are the educational responses The analysis of the results have allowed verifying the difficulties in learning in a great challenge in the classroom currently, introducing new methodologies in the classroom to promote educational inclusion. The results include the need for teacher training to include students in the first stage of their life


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