Investigation of the Textbooks Based on Problem Based Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Thematic Learning

The purpose of this study is to develop textbooks based on problem based learning to improve learning outcomes of fourth grade elementary school students. This article is a research and development that follows the Sukmadinata research procedure. This research consists of three stages, namely the exploration phase, the development stage and the testing stage. The output of this research is problem based learning textbooks that are effective for implementation in the classroom. The application in the class shows that textbooks based on problem based learning can improve student learning outcomes in thematic learning on the theme of Beautiful Diversity in My Country. This improvement can also contribute to the success of teachers towards the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. In addition, this Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach can motivate students in the learning process while helping to understand students' concepts. Moreover, the theme we raised in research (The Beautiful Diversity in My Country) can improve students' critical thinking skills in exploring things in their own country.


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