Diyarbakır İli Hindi Yetiştiriciliğinin Yapısı

This research was conducted to reveals the structure of the turkey breeding in Diyarbakir province and district. In the study, 159 questionnaires are made by proportional sampling in order to represent the sample population from the villages of the district of Diyarbakir province. Manufacturer of socio-economic status, questions about the structural properties of a set of nutrition and animal care were included in the survey will be applied to the manufacturer. According to the survey, 41.6 average age of growers, the period of cultivation about 14 years and as the average monthly of income £ 1106.6 are computed. It was determined that 59.2% of the growers raised turkeys for need and revenue. It is determined all of the cluster using a certain type of drinker and a set of feed used approximately 88%. It was determined that 86.8% of growers apply treatment against the disease of turkeys. In conclusion; the development of turkey production in terms the province of Diyarbakir; to increase consumption in the domestic market should be informed people, for foreign markets strengthening work for competition should be done. 

The Structure Of Turkey Breedıng Provınce Of Dıyarbakır

This research was conducted to reveals the structure of the turkey breeding in Diyarbakir province and district. In the study, 159 questionnaires are made by proportional sampling in order to represent the sample population from the villages of the district of Diyarbakir province. Manufacturer of socio-economic status, questions about the structural properties of a set of nutrition and animal care were included in the survey will be applied to the manufacturer. According to the survey, 41.6 average age of growers, the period of cultivation about 14 years and as the average monthly of income £ 1106.6 are computed. It was determined that 59.2% of the growers raised turkeys for need and revenue. It is determined all of the cluster using a certain type of drinker and a set of feed used approximately 88%. It was determined that 86.8% of growers apply treatment against the disease of turkeys. In conclusion; the development of turkey production in terms the province of Diyarbakir; to increase consumption in the domestic market should be informed people, for foreign markets strengthening work for competition should be done. 


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