Radiation Attitudes in Associate Degree Students

Radiation Attitudes in Associate Degree Students

The radiation that has existed throughout human history is always present in our environment, in our bodies and in space. Radiation has been used in almost every aspect of medicine, science and industry since it was discovered. Technologies that use radiation make people's lives easier, and people's lives are saved through early detection and treatment of diseases, especially in medical applications. With rapidly evolving technology, medical staff are exposed to more radiation doses due to increased radiation use in medicine. Since life without radiation is unlikely, there needs to be a sufficient level of information about radiation to protect against the harmful effects of radiation. In universities, which constitute an important part of education and training, the better the radiation knowledge of the students in the field of health, which will shape the future, the better the transfer of radiation knowledge level to future generations and at the same time to the people they serve since these students will be the health personnel of the future. Health personnel should be able to protect themselves from the harmful effects of radiation, take the necessary precautions during diagnosis and treatment, and increase their level of knowledge in this regard. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the level of awareness of health services vocational school students, who will be health personnel in the future, towards the concept of radiation and radiation protection.


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