Today, information has become a key factor of corporate strategy. It is recognized as an outstanding resource by those who can acquire process, evaluate and utilize it. It appears to be an important value and a mean of power at the same time, in every organization starting from small enterprises to multinational companies in case it is quickly and accurately processed. The large-scale, rapidly and frequently changing datasets must be managed these days to transform their inner value to profit. With the spread of electronic data processing the main problem that a leader faces is not acquiring the information but producing the data which is needed in a specific situation to carry out the planning, analysis and coordination activities and to take a decision in accordance with these. Integrated ERP system is the key to display information in the right time and the right place. It can be stated that there is a wide range of the systems offered; thus companies with the most various needs, scope of activities and scale can find the one that fits their expectations and possibilities the most. In the life of corporate leaders sooner or later the time will come when they want to overcome the data sets that are generated during the operation of the company and coming from outside of the company. The aim of preparing our study is to examine if those causes could be identified which independent of the attributes of the company contribute to the introduction of ERP systems.


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