The Views of Pre-Service Elementary Teachers About Online and Traditional Peer Assessment

The goal of this study is to compare traditional peer evaluation and online peer evaluation in order to identify which method is more effective in evaluating peers. Qualitative research method was used in this study to understand pre-service teachers’ opinions on different peer evaluation techniques. The study was carried out in a state university in Turkey. The sample consisted of 58 second year pre-service teachers majoring in primary school teacher program who enrolled in “Instructional Technologies and Material Development” course. Pre-service teachers were divided into 11 groups, with five or six students in each group. Participation was voluntary and the students in each group actively participated in the traditional and online peer assessment activities. The analyses of the data were done via content analysis, by creating categories and then themes. The themes that emerged as a result of the analysis of the data collected within the study were (1) objectivity, (2) evaluation criteria, (3) interaction, and (4) attributes of the online evaluation platform. The study concluded that a combination of peer and instructor evaluation and even self-assessment can give a better validity and objectivity of assessment.

The Views of Pre-Service Elementary Teachers About Online and Traditional Peer Assessment

The goal of this study is to compare traditional peer evaluation and online peer evaluation in order to identify which method is more effective in evaluating peers. Qualitative research method was used in this study to understand pre-service teachers’ opinions on different peer evaluation techniques. The study was carried out in a state university in Turkey. The sample consisted of 58 second year pre-service teachers majoring in primary school teacher program who enrolled in “Instructional Technologies and Material Development” course. Pre-service teachers were divided into 11 groups, with five or six students in each group. Participation was voluntary and the students in each group actively participated in the traditional and online peer assessment activities. The analyses of the data were done via content analysis, by creating categories and then themes. The themes that emerged as a result of the analysis of the data collected within the study were (1) objectivity, (2) evaluation criteria, (3) interaction, and (4) attributes of the online evaluation platform. The study concluded that a combination of peer and instructor evaluation and even self-assessment can give a better validity and objectivity of assessment.


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