PPSE P121 and P10 calculation method and related issues

This study examined the calculation methods of P121 and P10 scores used in teacher appointments. The statistics regarding the Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE) subtests used by Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (MSPC) in 2018, 2019 and 2020 were accessed from the website of the institution. The parameters not published on this webpage were calculated by using the candidates’ results. The public openly debates the allegations made by the candidates who took the exam in 2019 that their scores had been miscalculated for various reasons and the examinee scores, in fact, had to be higher. The study was conducted (i) to determine whether such disparity actually existed, (ii) and if so, the reason behind it, (iii) how the differences arising from the parameters in the formula being used to calculate the scores would affect exam takers’ scores. In particular, the study identified the issues caused by converting the scores obtained by using different subtests in the same manner in calculating P121without considering an equating method. Based on the examined exam scores for the last three-years, it was concluded that 2019 candidates were disadvantaged in most teaching fields. Based on the findings, it is suggested that (i) the use weighted standard scores instead of P121 and P110, to calculate separate scores for each teaching field is better and (ii) the validity period of such exam scores should be limited to one year.

PPSE P121 and P10 calculation method and related issues

This study examined the calculation methods of P121 and P10 scores used in teacher appointments. The statistics regarding the Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE) subtests used by Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (MSPC) in 2018, 2019 and 2020 were accessed from the website of the institution. The parameters not published on this webpage were calculated by using the candidates’ results. The public openly debates the allegations made by the candidates who took the exam in 2019 that their scores had been miscalculated for various reasons and the examinee scores, in fact, had to be higher. The study was conducted (i) to determine whether such disparity actually existed, (ii) and if so, the reason behind it, (iii) how the differences arising from the parameters in the formula being used to calculate the scores would affect exam takers’ scores. In particular, the study identified the issues caused by converting the scores obtained by using different subtests in the same manner in calculating P121without considering an equating method. Based on the examined exam scores for the last three-years, it was concluded that 2019 candidates were disadvantaged in most teaching fields. Based on the findings, it is suggested that (i) the use weighted standard scores instead of P121 and P110, to calculate separate scores for each teaching field is better and (ii) the validity period of such exam scores should be limited to one year.


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