15 Temmuz’a Giden Süreçte Türk Demokrasisinde Sivil Asker İlişkileri

Türkiye’de demokrasinin kurumsallaşmasına engel olan temel sorun, askerin siyasal

Civil-Military Relations in Turkish Democracy in the Period leading to the July 15th

Preventing the institutionalization of democracy in Turkey, the main problem is theprivilege of the military in the political system. Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) has intervened incivilian politics many times with the idea that it has a mission to protect the regime, and aftereach intervention, it has determined the conditions for transition to democracy while transferringpower to civilians. After the coups, with the privileges obtained the military strengthened in thepolitical system. With the legal arrangements, TAF has legitimized its political power by placingit on the legal ground. Periodic military interventions and the increased political autonomy ofthe military with each intervention have taken armed forces and their activities away fromthe point of democratic civilian control. Although significant reforms have been made inthe EU process, the July 15 incident has shown that the issue of civilian military relations isstill important in Turkey and military coups still threaten the country. It is important for thedemocracy that the armed forces depend on the elected civil authority and are subject to civilianoversight. The issue is remarkable in this respect. This study mainly examines the structure ofcivil-military relations in Turkey with the concepts of civil-military contestation and militaryprerogatives.


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