Yanlış Cerrahi Uygulama Nedeniyle Malleable Penil Protezin Kırılması: Olgu Sunumu

Malleable penil protezin mekanik olarak kırılması çok nadir görülen ve beklenmedik bir komplikasyondur. Burada 2004 yılından beri komplikasyonsuz AMS 650 malleable penil protez kullanan 29 yaşında bir erkek hasta sunuldu. Hasta penis sağ yan kısımda deformite, cinsel ilişkide ağrı ve güçlük sikayeti ile başvurdu. Fizik muayenede penil protezin sağ kolunun kırık olduğu tespit edildi. Penil protez cerrahi işlemle çıkarıldı. Penil protezin sağ kolunun ön-arka düzlemde yanlış yerleştirilmiş olduğu fark edildi. Hastaya yeni AMS 650 malleable penil protez takıldı. Çıkarılan protez gereğinden daha kısa olduğu için yeni takılan protez 3 cm daha uzundu. Hastada hiçbir komplikasyon olmaksızın ameliyat sonrası gün taburcu edildi

Case of Malleable Penile Prosthesis Fracture Possibly Due to Wrong Surgical Technique

Mechanical fracture is an unusual complication of malleable penile prosthesis. In the present case, we reported that a 29-year-old man, using the AMS 650 malleable penile prosthesis since 2004, was presented. The patient described that there was deformity at the right side of the penis. Pain and difficulty during sexual intercourse was described. Right root of the penile prosthesis was found to be fractured in the physical examination and then it was removed by surgical exploration. It was determined that the right root of the penile prosthesis was misplaced on front-backward plane. A new AMS 650 malleable penile prosthesis was implanted. Because of previous prosthesis was shorter than needed, a new prosthesis was used 3 cm longer than the previous. The patient was discharged a day after the operation without any complication


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