Mikoriza Aşılanmış Kudret Narı (Momordica Charantia) Bitkisine Farklı Dozlarda Fosforlu Ve Demirli Gübre Uygulamasının Yaprak Klorofil İçeriğine Etkisi

Özellikle sindirim sistemi hastalıkları ve yara tedavilerinde kullanılan, tıbbı bir bitki olan kudret narının

The Effect of Different Doses Phosphorus and Iron Fertilizer Application on Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Mycorrhiza Inoculated Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia) Plant

The fruit and leaves of bitter melon, a medicinal plant which is particularly used for digestive systemdiseases and wound treatments, are substantially rich in minerals and vitamins, especially Fe, Ca, P and vitaminB. There are a limited number of studies conducted on the nutrient needs of this plant, which is cultivated in theAegean and Mediterranean Regions of our country. It is known that mycorrhizae, which display a type of symbiosisbased on the mutual benefit between fungi that produce hyphae and plant roots in the soil, increase the uptake ofespecially phosphorus and certain other elements by plants under controlled field conditions. In the present study,G. mosseae type mycorrhiza was inoculated (500 spore pot-1) during sowing under greenhouse conditions in orderto observe the effectiveness of mycorrhiza application. In the study, which was also conducted as a pot experimentin order to determine the appropriate amount of phosphorus and iron fertilizer for the plant, fertilizer applicationswere made at doses of 0-5-10-15 kg P2O5 da-1 and 0-5 mg Fe kg-1. In the study, it was aimed to observe the effectof mycorrhizal inoculation on the plant P and Fe uptake in bitter melon. After sowing, the germination and growthconditions of the plants were observed and the leaf chlorophyll values of the plants were measured until the timeof flowering. According to the variance analyses conducted on the chlorophyll measurements of the plants, it wasdetermined that mycorrhizal inoculation P<0.05, phosphorus fertilizer application P<0.01 and iron fertilizer applicationP<0.05 had an effect on chlorophyll content, moreover, there was an interaction between mycorrhizalinoculation and P application.


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