An Overview of Quality of Urban Life in Konya (Turkey) from the Perspectives of Experts via Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

An Overview of Quality of Urban Life in Konya (Turkey) from the Perspectives of Experts via Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

This study mainly aims to evaluate comparatively the Quality of Urban Life (QoUL) in Konya city on the basis of Karatay, Meram and Selçuklu districts from the perspectives of two expert groups and to show the suitability of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology for QoUL Assessment. Design/Methodology/Approach In the scope of the study, AHP has been utilized to explore the importance weights of each and overall performances of QoUL criteria in the hierarchy in terms of 19 sub-criteria of 5 criteria groups of "Environmental Quality, Physical Quality, Functional Quality, Safer Places, and Social Connection and Interaction at Micro and Macro Environment" from the perspectives of local authority experts and academicians. Findings The expert groups have determined different priority weights on the basis of the criteria groups and sub-criteria, and also each district have different criteria performance scores separately. However, the multi-criteria district-based overall QoUL priority rankings of both expert groups are same with different weight rates. Meram is the district with the highest quality of life (QoL), while Karatay is the district with the lowest QoL from the perspective of expert groups. Research Limitations/Implications The outputs of the methodology contribute to a better understanding of comparative QoUL performances of three districts via comparing each of them in terms of each QoUL criteria from the perspectives of experts for decision-makers. However, the lack of inhabitant opinions of the city for an overall participatory QoUL assessment is the limitation of the study. Thus, studies focusing on inhabitants’’ views have potential to valuable contribution to further researches and urban planning & design applications. Social/Practical Implications In practice, the manuscript has potential to guide local government units and other relevant stakeholders regarding with appropriate actions and transformations to increase the QoUL and create urban areas with high QoUL. The widespread use of the proposed QoUL assessment methodology, which is adaptable for other cities to a significant QoUL evaluation, can lead to a better participatory planning process and finally more qualified urban environments thus can enhance QoUL. Originality/Value The study presents a rational and adaptive QoUL assessment approach for local authorities, relevant occupation disciplines and researchers who aim to enhance QoUL.


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