Aktif Yurttaşlık İle Dindarlık Durumu Arasındaki İlişkinin Sosyolojik Açıdan İncelenmesi

Gündelik hayat pratiklerinin önemli bir bölümünü yurttaşlık ilişkileri oluşturur. İnsanların yurttaşlık ilişkilerini sürdürürken ortaya koyduğu gündelik hayat pratikleri ile zihniyet yapılarından dolayısıyla da inanç dünyaları ve dindarlık durumlarından bağımsız değildir. Türkiye’de, Cumhuriyet dönemiyle birlikte somutlaşan ve hız kazanan demokratikleşme sürecinde aktif  yurttaşlık her zamankinden daha fazla önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın genel amacı yetişkin bireylerin aktif yurttaşlık nitelik ve davranışları ile dindarlık düzeyli arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Bu kapsamda, katılımcıların yurttaşlık ilgileri, yurttaşlık katılım düzeyleri, karar verme süreçleri, bilgi kaynakları, yurttaşlıkla ilgili hak ve sorumluluk farkındalıkları, yurttaşlık öz-yeterlilikleri ile etkin yurttaşlık katılımcılığının önündeki sosyo-kültürel engelleri dindarlık durumu değişkeni açısından incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, nicel veri toplama tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada, nicel veri toplama aracı olarak enlemesine tarama deseni kapsamında anket tekniği kullanılmıştır. Anket sorularının araştırma durumunu ve soruların açıklığa kavuşturulmasını sağlayıp sağlamadığını test etmek amacıyla araştırmanın hedef katılımcıları üzerinde bir pilot çalışma yapılmıştır.       

Sociological Analysis of the Relationship between Active Citizenship and Religiosity

Religious means being affiliated to and connected with a religion and adopting that particular religion. In this respect, anyone who accept the requirements of religion and who is affiliated to a specific religion can be considered as a religious person. However, when we speak of a “religious person” in daily life, what is meant or understood is usually not this, but relatively, a person more devoted to a religion. And, when we speak of the religious status of a person, how much that person internalizes the tenets of the religion s/he is affiliated to and the level of his/her devotion with respect to fulfilling the religious deeds. Mindset plays a determining role in the formation of daily life practices of people, whereas beliefs play a determining role in the formation of the mindset. Upon analyzing the role of religion in the formation of social consciousness, collective moral conscious and social awareness, Emile Durkheim stated that there is no religion which does not involve judgments on the world and humans. In her opinion, religion is the origin of not only philosophy and science, but also all social institutions. As a consequence of such characteristic of religion, it would not be wrong to say that there is a direct or indirect relationship between the beliefs of people and their behavioral practices in their daily lives. Citizenship relations constitute an important part of daily life practices. Daily life practices displayed by people while maintaining their citizenship relations are not independent from their mindsets, therefore, their world of belief and religiousness status. In Turkey, diversification, differentiation and complexification of the democratic decision-making mechanisms in the process of democratization, which took a more concrete form and gained momentum with the Republican period, has made citizenship participation much more important than ever. Today, almost every democratic segment frequently expresses how significant an effective and participatory citizenship is. The concept of “citizenship” is a word that refers to the space and group, both etymologically and conceptually. Expansion of citizenship in terms of space and differentiation of the same in terms of participation has now raised expectations with regards to citizenship qualifications. Such diversification of citizenship relations in the modern world created the concept of “active citizenship”. The relationship between the “active citizenship”, which involves democratic and participatory citizenship, and the “religiousness status” is addressed in this study from the point of knowledge, skills, values and participation aspects of active citizenship and the point of belief, emotions, behaviors and knowledge aspects of religiousness. The general purpose of this study is to research the relationship between the active citizenship qualifications and behaviors of adult individuals and their level of religiousness. In this context, citizenship interests, citizenship participation levels, decision-making processes, information resources, awareness of citizenship rights and responsibilities, citizenship self-sufficiencies, and socio-cultural obstacles before effective citizenship participation have been researched with regards to religiousness status variable. Quantitative data collection method is used in the study. The questionnaire technique within the framework of cross-sectional scanning pattern has been used as a quantitative data collection tool for the research.


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