This article analyzes the team processes and team members in terms of stages of team building, team diversity, communications, conflict and conflict management, and impact of technology. It briefly describes the team's experiences during each of Four Stages of Teaming: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. This study finds answers for the following questions: What percentage of the total team time is spent on each stage? ; What types of diversity are included in a team? What reaction to this issue do mangers expect from this diversity? ; What barriers to affective communication do team members perceive in their teams? In the last part of the article, authors will focus on influence of advanced information technologies. Definitions, types of information technology and general view will be included in this part as well. In particular, the latest forms of organizations such as virtual teams and networked organizations will be examined. The authors will conclude the article with scholar's recommendations about the impacts of advanced information technology.


Bu makale takym olu?um sürecini ve takym olu?um a?amalaryndaki takym üyelerini, takym ruhunu, ileti?imi, çaty?ma ve çaty?ma yönetimini ve teknolojinin etkisini tahlil etmektedir. Bu makale özetle takym içinde takym olu?um süreçleri olan "olu?ma, aly?ma, kuralla?ma ve çaly?ma" basamaklarynda ya?ananlary tespit etmektedir. Bu çaly?ma ?u sorulara cevap bulmaktadyr: Takym olu?um a?amalarynyn herbirinde ne kadar zaman harcanmaktadyr? Takymda ne gibi bir olu?um vardyr? Bu çaly?manyn son bölümünde bilgi teknolojilerinin etkisine odaklanylacaktyr. Tanymlar, bilgi teknolojilerinin çe?itleri ve temel baky? açylary da son bölümde i?lenecektir. Bu makale ara?tyrmacylaryn ileri bilgi teknolojileri üzerine önerileri ile sonuçlanacaktyr.