Türkiye'de yeti?kinlere resmi ideolojiyi vermek amacyyla Atatürk'ün fikirlerine dayanan Halkevleri 1932'de kurulur. Halkevleri; dil edebiyat, güzel sanatlar, kütüphane ve yayynlar, tarih ve müze, tiyatro, spor, sosyal yardym, e?itim synyflary (kurslar) ve köycülük programlaryny açmy?tyr. Cumhuriyetin ilk yyllaryndan itibaren yeni rejimin topluma kazandyrylmasy do?rultusunda yeni kurumlar hayata geçirilmi?tir. Bu kurumlar arasynda önemli bir yere sahip olabilmeyi ba?army? olan Halkevleri, Atatürk milliyetçili?ini yaymayy ve Türk Milli Kültürünü güçlendirmeyi misyon olarak kabul etmi?lerdir.

The Activities Of The Public House About The National Unity (1932-1950)

In Turkey, The Public houses related to the ideas of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk were established in 1932 to give the legal ideology to adults. The Public Houses opened the programmes of language-literature, fine arts, library and publications, history and museum, theatre, sports, social assistance, educational classes and village development. Since the first years of the republic, new institutions have been founded about giving the new regime to the community. The public houses that succeeded to be important among these institutions accepted spreading the Ataturk nationalism and strengthening the turkish national culture as a mission.