İmam-ı Rabbânî’nin Mektûbât’ında İçedönük Eleştiriler

Criticism is important for the refinement and the maturation of any person or institution. Introspective criticism is more beneficial than outside criticism in the field of science. Islamic Mysticism has an extensive background of introspective criticism within Islamic science. These provide introspective critiques that are separated into two sections within Islamic mysticism. The first is the general introspective criticism which looks like a complaint. This kind of critique emerged from the third century (AH). The second type of introspective criticism is “deviation” and it is accepted as a tool for behavior and also for practices of criticism. Letters to the disciples of the Murshids contained questions from remote places which were answered. These letters are considered guides to introspective criticism. Imam Rabbani (1034/1624) is one of the murshids who educated his disciples with his letters. In this article, I will be studying on Imam Rabbani’s introspective criticism on Sufis’ ideas and practices like paradoxical expressions, in favor of the preponderance of sainthood, the acknoqledgement of halal and haram, giving importance to the miracle and khal and vajd (state), the exess on malamat (reprimand), and unauthorized guides.


Criticism is important for the refinement and the maturation of any person or institution. Introspective criticism is more beneficial than outside criticism in the field of science.Islamic Mysticism has an extensive background of introspective criticism within Islamic science. These provide introspective critiques that are separated into two sections within Islamic mysticism.The first is the general introspective criticism which looks like a complaint. This kind of critique emerged from the third century (AH). The second type of introspective criticism is “deviation” and it is accepted as a tool for behavior and also for practices of criticism.Letters to the disciples of the Murshids contained questions from remote places which were answered. These letters are considered guides to introspective criticism.Imam Rabbani (1034/1624) is one of the murshids who educated his disciples with his letters. In this article, I will be studying on Imam Rabbani’s introspective criticism on Sufis’ ideas and practices like paradoxical expressions, in favor of the preponderance of sainthood, the acknoqledgement of halal and haram, giving importance to the miracle and khal and vajd (state), the exess on malamat (reprimand), and unauthorized guides


  • AL-TAHANEVI, Muhammed A’la b. Ali Kasshaf ıstılahat Al-funun, Daru Sadr, Beirut, vol.: II. YAZICI, Tahsin, (1979), “Şath”, Islam Ansiklopedisi, MEB, Istanbul, vol.: XI.
  • ABU HAZZAM, Anvar Fuad, (1993), Mu’cem Al-mustalahat Al-sufiyye, Beirut.
  • ULUDAĞ, Süleyman, (1995), Tasavvuf Terimleri Sözlüğü, Marifet, Istanbul.
  • CEBECIOGLU, Ethem, (1997), Tasavvuf Terimleri ve Deyimleri Sozlugu, Rehber, Ankara.
  • IMAM RABBANI, Ahmad Faroq Al-Sarhandi, Al-Maktubat, trans.: Muhammed Murad Al-Munzavi Al-Maktabat Al-Muhammediyye, Istanbul.
  • AL-KUSHAYRI, Abdulkerim, (1991), Kuşeyrî Risalesi, haz. Süleyman Uludag, Dergâh Yay., Istanbul.
  • KARA, Mustafa, Tanımı ve Tesirleriyle Tasavvuf, Seha Neşriyat, Istanbul.