Maurıce Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Mahomet

In this biographical work, the author gives information about the basic principles of Islam as well as the life of the Prophet and greatly benefits the Quran. The work was created in a system similar to the classical sources of politics. Hz. Muhammad (sas) 's life, providing information about the basic principles of Islam, the sources used and the approach to the issues in terms of approach to many orientalists, although unbiased according to a number of prejudices. Maxime Rodinson, one of the French socialist orientalists about this work, makes an assessment about the first part of the book: le Hz. It was devoted to the life of the prophet, which was re-examined in all its details, with many small details and likewise analyzed with a very human love. Such an analysis is very necessary to understand and evaluate a person who is so far away from us, when he lives, in the distance and the environment.

Maurıce Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Mahomet

The author of this biographical work Hz. In addition to the life of the Prophet, he also gives information about the basic principles of Islam and makes use of the Quran. The work was created in a system similar to the classical sources of politics. Hz. Muhammad (sas) 's life, providing information about the basic principles of Islam, the sources used and the approach to the issues in terms of approach to many orientalists, although unbiased according to a number of prejudices. Maxime Rodinson, one of the French socialist orientalists about this work, makes an assessment about the first part of the book: le Hz. It was devoted to the life of the prophet, which was re-examined in all its details, with many small details and likewise analyzed with a very human love. Such an analysis is very necessary to understand and evaluate a person who is so far away from us, when he lives, in the distance and the environment.


  • “Bilan des études Mohammediennes”, in Revue Historique, CCXXIX, 1963, ss. 169-220. (Makaleyi