Osmanlı Tarihi’ndeki Bazı Savaşların Bir Yeniçeri Olan Taşlıcalı Yahyâ Bey’in Şiirlerindeki Akisleri/The Reflection Of Some Wars In Ottoman History in The Verses of Janissary Yahya Bey from Taslica

Toplumların hayatında iz bırakmış olaylar, savaşlar, felaketler hem sözlü hem de yazılı edebiyatın konusu olmuştur. Türk Edebiyatı’nın 600 yıllık dönemini oluşturan Eski Türk Edebiyatı dönemi ürünlerinde de bu durumu görmek mümkündür. Ne yazık ki yıllarca yanlış bir yönlendirme ile Eski Türk Edebiyatı sanki halktan kopuk, toplum hayatına ait unsurlar taşımayan bir edebiyat olarak algılanmıştır. Son yıllarda yapılan divan neşirleri ve şiir tahlili çalışmaları bu yanlış algıyı yıkmış ve bu dönem ürünlerinin aslında toplum hayatından, halk inanışlarından, insan hayatını, duygularını, düşüncelerini etkileyen savaşlardan uzak olmadığını bize göstermiştir. Divan şairleri, şiirlerine meslekleri ile ilgili unsurları, yaşayışlarını da aksettirmişlerdir. Bu sebeple divanlar o devir insanını ve toplumunu tanımamıza yardım eden eserlerdir. Şiirler incelendiğinde görülecektir ki sevgili-âşık ilişkisiyle bağlantılı kullanılan savaş ve savaş ile ilgili unsurlar Divan şiirinin en önemli malzemelerindendir. Bununla birlikte Osmanlı toplumunun bir gerçeği olan savaşlarla ve çıkılan seferlerle ilgili unsurlar, mesleği yeniçerilik olan ve seferlere katılan birçok şairin şiirlerinde karşımıza çıkmaktadır. 16. yüzyılın önemli şairlerinden olan Taşlıcalı Yahyâ Bey, bir yandan yeniçeri olarak görev yaparken bir yandan da devrin önemli edebî ve kültürel ortamlarında bulunmuş, böylelikle iyi bir şair olarak kendisini yetiştirmiştir. Özellikle kasidelerinden onun Çaldıran, Mısır, Viyana, Almanya, I. Irakeyn seferlerine katıldığı anlaşılmaktadır. Biz de bu çalışmamızda Taşlıcalı Yahyâ Bey’in şiirlerini inceleyerek, katıldığı seferlerin ve bazı savaşların akislerini tespit edip bunları ilim alemine sunacağız.   Anahtar Kelimeler: Taşlıcalı Yahyâ, Yeniçeri, Savaş.AbstractThe incidents, wars, disasters which etched the life of societies have been the subject of both oral and written literature. It is possible to see this situation in the works of the Old Turkish Literature period, which formed the 600-year period of Turkish Literature. However, the Old Turkish Literature was perceived as a literature as if it was disconnected from the public and was not bearing the elements of society life with an incorrect guidance for years.  The analysis studies of divan prose and verse recently have demolished this misperception and in fact they showed us that the works of this period  are not far from the community life, folk beliefs, the wars which affect the human life, emotions and thoughts. Divan poets had reflected the elements related to their professions and their way of life to their verses. For that reason, divans are the works which help us to recognize  the people and the community of that period. When the verses are analyzed, it will be seen that the most important materials of Divan verse are the wars and components related to  the wars used in connection with a lover-beloved relationship. Besides, the components related to the wars and campaigns which are the realities of Ottoman society emerge in the verses of many poets who were Janissaries and joined the campaigns. Yahyâ Bey from Taslica which was one of the important poets of the 16th century was a Janissary and had been in literary and cultural environments, thus  he has trained  himself so well as a poet. It is understood from his odes that he had joined Caldiran, Egypt, Vienna, Germany and the first Irakeyn campaigns. In this study we will determine the reflection of the campaigns and some wars that Yahyâ Bey from Taslica joined by examining his verses and present them to the world of science.   Key Words: Yahyâ from Taslica, Janissary, War.


The incidents, wars, disasters which etched the life of societies have been the subject of both oral and written literature. It is possible to see this situation in the works of the Old Turkish Literature period, which formed the 600-year period of Turkish Literature. However, the Old Turkish Literature was perceived as a literature as if it was disconnected from the public and was not bearing the elements of society life with an incorrect guidance for years. The analysis studies of Dîvân prose and verse recently have demolished this misperception and in fact they showed us that the works of this period are not far from the community life, folk beliefs, the wars which affect the human life, emotions and thoughts. Dîvân poets had reflected the elements related to their professions and their way of life to their verses. For that reason, Dîvâns are the works which help us to recognize the people and the community of that period. When the verses are analyzed, it will be seen that the most important materials of Dîvân verse are the wars and components related to the wars used in connection with a lover-beloved relationship. Besides, the components related to the wars and campaigns which are the realities of Ottoman society emerge in the verses of many poets who were Janissaries and joined the campaigns. Yahyâ Bey from Taslica which was one of the important poets of the 16th century was a Janissary and had been in literary and cultural environments, thus he has trained himself so well as a poet. It is understood from his odes that he had joined Caldiran, Egypt, Vienna, Germany and the first Irakeyn campaigns. In this study we will determine the reflection of the campaigns and some wars that Yahyâ Bey from Taslica joined by examining his verses and present them to the world of science



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