Bu r,:ah~ma XIX. yi.izyII ba~lan istanbul'unda Yenir,:eri Ocag1'ndan maa~ alan bir kesitinin toplumsal profilini r,:1karmay1 amar,:lamaktadir. Yenir,:erilerin XVII. yi.izyildan itibaren yogun bir,:imde ticaret ve zanaatler ile me~gul olmaya ba~lad1klan tespiti hem Osmanh vekayinamelerinde hem de ikincil kaynaklarda s1kr,:a tekrarlanagelmi~tir. Bu gozlemlerin bugi.ine kadar tarihr,:iler tarafmdan pek kullamlmam1~ Yenir,:eri esame defterlerinin 1~1gmda smanmas1 ve daha da onemlisi yenir,:erilerin ticaret ve zanaatler ile olan ili~kilerinin belli donem vemekanlarda ne boyutlarda oldugu sorusu ilgi r,:ekici konular olarak ortaya r,:1kmaktad1r. Mevcut r,:ah~mada 1815 ile 1824 y1llan arasmdaki zaman dilimine ait dort esame defterinden yola r,:1kilarak Yenir,:eri Ocag1 'ndan esame alanlarm toplumsal kokenlerinin yam SJra ticaret ve zanaatlar ile olan ili~kileri hakkmda baz1 r,:1kanmlar yap1lmas1 amar,:lanm1~tir. 


This study aims to present the profile of a random group of people who were on the pay/ist of the Janissary Co1ps in the ealy nineteenth-century Istanbul. Majority of the Ottoman chronicles as well as secondary sources has pointed to the increasing level of janissary involvement in trade and crafts in Istanbul which became an undenaible fact of everyday life starting from the seventeenth century. Testing of these observations in the light of janissary payroll registers (esame defterleri) as well as the question of the degree of janissary involvement in tradeand crafts at specific time periods and locations emerge as curious subjects which are worthy of attention. Present study tries to examine the profile of a random group of people who were on the paylist of the Janissary Corps by using four distant payrol registers dated to the period between 1815 and 1824. 


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