$ehabeddin Pa$a 'nm Filibe 'de kurdugu vakif cami, medrese, imaret, han ve hamam/ardan olu$an orta-olr,:ekli bir se/atfn ve vuzera vakfid1r. Bu yaz1, Filibe $ehrinin geli$iminde onemli bir katk1 yapan vakfi 1632 y1/z muhasebe defterini de ne$rederek tamtmayz ve vakfin mali durumunu ince/emeyi amar,:lamaktadzr. Vakfin 163 2 ve 1641 y1//arz aras1m kapsayan muhasebe defter/eri bu k1sa zaman aralzg1 ir,:in gelir ve gider yap1sm1, fiili i$leyi$i ortaya r,:zkarmaya imkan vermektedir. Vakif gelir/erini ba$lzca k1rsal kaynak/aran e/de etmekle birlikte kentsel gelirler de vakif butr,:esini onemli oranda desteklemektedir. incelenen yakla$1k on y1//1k donem ir,:inde (1632-1641) $ehabeddin Pa$a vakfinm gelir/erinde onemli bir degi$im veya gelir tahsi/atmda gur,:/Uk gorunmemektedir. Vakif, maa$larz duzenli odemekte, mutfag1 i$letmektedir. $ehabeddin Pa$a vakfimn 1632 mali yzlmda ustlendigi devasa tamirat giderleri de bir afet ile ili$kilendirilebilir.

The Wagf of ~ehibeddin Pasha in Plovdiv 1632-1641(H.1041-1051)

The waqf of $ehabeddin Pasha in Plovdiv was a medium size imperial waqf consisting of a mosque, medrese, imaret, covered market and bathhouses. The present paper aims to examine the finan cial situation of the waqf. The account books of the waqf covering the period 1632-1641 enable us to reveal the incomeexpenditure structure of the waqf and its actl/al fun ctioning. The waqf derived the major part of its income from rural sources though the urban revenue sources supported considerably the waqf budget. There is no significant change in theannual income of the waqf nor a difficulty in revenue collection within the period of 1632-1641. The waqf made the salary payments regularly and operated the public kitchen. The waqf undertook unexpectedly high repair cost in 1632 which was most likely connected with a natural disaster. 


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